Synchronicity Farm

Our Vision is to inspire conscious food choices that embrace the Social, Environmental and health benefits of eating artisan, seasonal and local food.

632 Orara Way Nana Glen NSW 2450 +61 2 6654 3554

What's it all about?

Synchronicity Farm is passionate about growing, sourcing and supplying the highest quality food to the local community.
Our goal is to provide an ethical and sustainable channel for our loyal customers to buy the best local food that is available.
Where a local product is not available, we will utilise our contact network to locate and sell products that meet our stringent standards of excellence.
Our particular interest is in heirloom vegetables, superfoods, and unusual fresh produce that provide a welcome surprise to our valued customers who like to try new things.
We focus on providing food in season that is ideally organic and spray free. We gravitate to selling products that have preferably not been in cold storage and we like to pick our fresh produce within less than 24 hours of when our customers are ready to come to the farm to collect their order which can be placed at


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